PostCut - The Film Podcast
From Art House to Screwball Comedies, people will always have spirited criticisms about movies. Spoiler Alert: R.J. Sarah, challenge each other and thelisteners to watch movies for more than entertainment value. Whether you’re a filmmaker or just want to hear analysis and critique, we invite you to listen in on the discussion.
34 episodes
The Snow Job
Sarah and RJ discuss Elvis 2022. This film is Presly's dance with Colonel Tom Parker, The devilish deals that rose him to fame and drove him to his fate. This fever dream of a film invokes some major reactions that really make us reflect on our...
Season 3
Episode 1

Crossing the Threshold of Death
The Post Cut crew go on an odyssey with William Blake and his companion Nobody in Jim Jarmusch's dark , poetic vision of the old west.

The BrainBurner
This movie is an absolute Trip. If you want something that will make you think then David Lynch's Eraserhead will make your brain light itself on Fire. This suspenseful movie will make you rethink your reality.
Season 3
Episode 1

Highland Games - SILVER STREAMED
Get Ready for an Adventure so Crazy that only RJ and Dave could handle. We return to Scotland for another mind-boggling movie!
Season 3
Episode 3

We take hard review on the recent Netflix releases Cuties. This film is Controversial in many ways. The PostCut Crew has a strong discussion on the Concealed meaning intellectually Placed in this Movie.⚠ Warning: The Topics Discu...
Season 2
Episode 6

The Hero of a thousand Voices - FEATURE TABLEAU
This time on PostCut, we go into the Art Form of Voice Acting. We Interview Voice actress Sheila M. Lin, and we discuss her journey through her Career.

The Seamless Movie!
the postcut crew makes the official review of Academy Award winner Parasite, we uncover all the aspects of film making and how it sets a new standard for the film industry.
Season 2
Episode 3

The path to Disney-facation
Join the PostCut Crew as we dive into this heated topic on our review of Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Who will crack when the bell tolls!
Season 2
Episode 2

This Could be your Neighbors
The PostCut Crew open the closed doors of the independent film DogTooth, get ready for some crazy isolated weirdness. Join us on this review of our first listener request.
Season 2
Episode 1

only now at the end... do you understand! (STAR WARS PART 3) - FEATURE TABLEAU
Witness the climactic conclusion of our 3 part investigation between Yoda Vs. Darth Sidious and Anakin Vs Obi-Wan. This time we break down the Relation of each battle to one another. Get ready for some explosive Light saber slashing dialo...

A presence I have not felt since… (STARWARS PART 2) - Feature Tableau
Continuing on our adventure in a galaxy far far away, we discuss the most anticipated battles in Star Wars history. Obi-wan vs Darth Vader. Get your lava repellent shoes ready for a hot conversation.

The Dichotomy of Good and Evil (STARWARS PART 1) - Feature Tableau
The PostCut crew dive into our favorite and most heated topic, Star Wars. We discuss how much symbolism is written into the battle between Darth Sidious and Yoda. Join us on a discussion a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

The Problem With Trailers - FEATURE TABLEAU
This Time... In the future... A Podcast Crew... Will Spoil it All... And SAVE THE WORLD... Staring... Sarah I don't know your last name... RJ 56... Captain D Eye-Orbs... And Dav...

This time on PostCut we have a serious talk about the COVID-19 Pandemic, and its effect on the film industry, as we speculate on the industry moving forward.

Ghost bustin in the next gen! -FEATURE TABLEAU
Who you gonna call, PostCut crew!Join us and react to the latest Ghost buster's teaser, we can try to avoid crossing our streams of remakes and sequels. Let's predict, the possibility, with this up and coming reimagining of Ghost b...

A pirates life and a few Wonka bars too! - FEATURE TABLEAU
The PostCut Crew takes a deep dive into the Actor Johnny Depp with his career as an actor, along with the dynamic relationship between actors and directors, so hide the rum and brush up on your William Blake poetry on this actor spotlight.
Episode 5

A Parasitic Twist - FEATURE TABLEAU
The PostCut Crew Break Down The Oscars and reflect on what we Saw this year's Academy Awards,
Episode 4

You're breathtaking!
As we embark on the last segment of the season, the postcut crew plus a few friend's reflect on the 90's sifi classic, The Matrix.
Season 1
Episode 12

On this special episode of Poscut, we interview Larry Pascale about his new album and music video, and discuss the relationship between music and film.
Episode 4

The Mouse has No Soul! - Silver Screen
In their Silver Screen debut, the Postcut crew gives their initial reactions to the new Star Wars film, Episode Nine the Rise of Skywalker.
Episode 1

He’s adorable, he’s yellow, HE’S A DETECTIVE!
On this episode of PostCut we get our hats on, bag up our poke balls, and set off on an adventure into the world of Pokémon. The PostCut crew dives into the recent movie Detective pikachu, along with our special guest.
Season 1
Episode 11

Dead Air
What do you want to talk about... society, baseball scores, your cat? The Post Cut Crew wants to discuss Oliver Stone's Talk Radio. Prepare to ride these dangerous radio waves on this episode of PostCut.
Season 1
Episode 10

ManBun, Purple Hair, and the Robots!
Get ready for a new breakdown with the Postcut Crew and a special guest. In this episode, Men have Buns, a young girl's hair is naturally purple, and do robots dream of electric sheep? All this and more as we break down the Netflix original Nex...
Season 1
Episode 9